French AI releases coding program
Published in AI

A computer that can write code

Mistral, the French AI startup supported by Microsoft and valued at €6 billion, has unveiled its inaugural generative AI model for coding, named Codestral.

Google’s AI can’t spot fake news
Published in AI

Thinks the Onion tells nothing but the truth

Google’s AI has been serving up fake information scraped from the Onion as fact.

AMD plans to one-up Chipzilla on AI
Published in AI

Abandoning Rzyen naming convention

The Dark Satanic Rumour Mill has manufactured a hell-on-earth yarn, claiming AMD is poised to revamp its mobile processor branding strategy, emphasising its AI features to show up Intel.

EU sets AI rule standard
Published in AI

Will probably be copied by everyone else 

Just like it did with GDPR, the EU has developed a new set of rules for AI, which the rest of the world will probably have to match.

US charges someone for AI-child abuse
Published in AI

First of its kind

In what's believed to be the first case of its kind, the US Department of Justice arrested a Wisconsin man last week for generating and distributing AI-generated child sexual abuse material (CSAM).