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Buffett loses faith in TSMC
Published in News
Thursday, 16 February 2023 11:33

Buffett loses faith in TSMC

Cut its position in TSMC by 86 per cent

Warren Buffett's holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, cut its position in TSMC by 86 per cent according to a regulatory filing.

Fourth quarter of 2022 worst for CPUs in 30 years
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Thus spake the great god Mercury 

Beancounters sitting at the crossroads have declared that the fourth quarter of 2022 saw the biggest fall in PC processor shipments in three decades.

TSMC might cut 3nm charges
Published in News
Thursday, 12 January 2023 11:35

TSMC might cut 3nm charges

Price hikes look less likely

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn claiming that TSMC might reduce the cost of chips made using its new 3nm process rather than jacking it up as expected. 

TSMC sees slow down in orders
Published in PC Hardware
Tuesday, 03 January 2023 10:02

TSMC sees slow down in orders

Not even 3nm technology can save it

TSMC is seeing a slowdown in orders from its leading customers, affecting the company's results starting in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Huawei learns how extreme ultraviolet lithography works
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China no longer depends on Dutch or US tech

Huawei is now able to create chips using extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) which means that it finally has a foot in the door of serious chip development.

TSMC starts 3nm semiconductor production
Published in News
Thursday, 29 December 2022 10:03

TSMC starts 3nm semiconductor production

Having a party today 

TSMC is flinging a party today to celebrate the opening of its 3nm semiconductor production. 

TSMC's SRAM scaling slows
Published in PC Hardware
Monday, 19 December 2022 09:04

TSMC's SRAM scaling slows

Chip price hikes expected

TSMC's SRAM Scaling has slowed tremendously and while new fabrication nodes are expected to increase performance, cut down power consumption, and increase transistor density prices are likely to rise.

TSMC will make 4nm chips in Arizona
Published in News
Thursday, 01 December 2022 10:58

TSMC will make 4nm chips in Arizona

Will be opened in 2024

TSMC has promised it will make 4nm chips at its semiconductor fab in Arizona, when it opens in 2024.

Next gen chips going to cost more
Published in News
Tuesday, 22 November 2022 12:08

Next gen chips going to cost more

TSMC will increase its prices and laugh all the way to the bank

The next generation of chips made with TSMC's new tech will be much more pricy and this cost will be passed on to consumers.

Apple's Arizona move might just be "marketing"
Published in News

Turns out it is sticking to the Far East after all

While the Tame Apple Press was singing how wonderful it was that Apple was going to be making its chips in America again, it turns out that they were just peddling marketing.